
Bratco HQ at Davis airport hangar side view at sunset with orange windsock

Welcome to our shop! Bratco Innovations is headquartered at Davis Airport in Laytonsville Maryland. With a long history of aviation and remotely piloted vehicle manufacturing, everyone on the team has some unusual skills. During a lull, we decided to make something fun, which turned into a new company.


Davis Airport runway at sunset
Alicia thinks of things to make, manages the airport, and makes metal flowers.
Bill is the gizmologist who makes everything and everyone work.
Bobby does all things electronic and directs flight operations.
Briar does tooling, CAD, computer stuff and  manufacturing.
Exus does CAD drawings and puts up with our constant changes.
Mark tests the boards, makes videos, and records with his band, SpyMachines.
Bratco team working on the CNC machine

We hope you have as much fun with your boards as we have making them - feel free to contact us with what you'd like to see us make next.

bobby briar and exus in the bratco workshopMark and Bill playing guitar with bratco pedalboardbratco boxwing pedalboard with scoop risers in workshop